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What is AVID?

AVID Australia is an evidence-based, school improvement system that supports schools to advance teaching quality and students’ academic and wellbeing outcomes.

We co-design and deliver continuous professional learning that integrates with your school Strategic Plan to achieve your goals and targets.

At the core of our approach to closing the achievement and opportunity gaps is developing teaching excellence.

AVID teachers:

  • are facilitators of learning
  • create and nurture inquiry-based student-centred classrooms
  • know that all students are capable and challenge core beliefs.

A whole school approach that delivers

A strong AVID system transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership and Culture of a school, ensuring improved academic performance for all students, based on increased opportunities to succeed.

Professional Learning with a difference

AVID schools receive high-quality, customised professional learning; access to a suite of evidence-informed teaching and learning resources; continuous coaching and ongoing support to achieve strategic goals and initiatives.

The structure and coherency of AVID’s professional learning system accelerates school improvement, teaching quality, and student learning outcomes.

Our professional learning comprises:

AVID Professional Learning Modules – AVID schools receive customised professional learning (on-site or online) that addresses their unique needs and contexts. The goal of these modules is to support AVID educators and leaders in implementing the AVID System with fidelity and depth.

AVID Events – AVID’s professional learning events are co-designed with educators drawing on high-quality Communities of Practice and contextualised professional learning activities. AVID holds in-person and virtual professional learning events throughout the year.

To learn more about our Professional Learning approach, click here.

What if every teacher at your school inspired and connected with their students?

Over 45 years in America and 15 years in Australia we have seen that when school leaders focus on rigorous instruction, insist on access and equity for all students, align work to a common vision, and believe in students’ potential, student outcomes improve. AVID is recognised internationally for its effectiveness by organisations such as the OECD Excellence and Quality in Education (page 141).

AVID guides school improvement in four domains: Instruction, Culture, Systems and Leadership.

When students are taught the skills to process information and interact with it they can become independent learners.

To learn more about our history, click here.