AVIDspiration! Resources for learning and teaching anywhere
Welcome to AVIDspiration. A resource page prompted by these unprecedented times, but one that will serve teachers well into the future.
We are inspired by the educators, support staff, parents and care givers who facilitate student learning everyday. We want to enhance the opportunities for students to learn and make the lives of teachers and parents a little bit easier.
Our experienced educators have curated publicly available materials and compiled them all into one neat resource on this page. This resource is freely available to any teacher, anywhere.
We will continue to share more resources on this page as they become available.
You can make learning at home a success
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Accessing the resources
The resources are arranged in alphabetical order, and include the original source, a brief description, and tags (keywords used to classify the content and facilitate your search).
Click on a tag, to access relevant resources or click on ALL, to see all the resources available.
We will continue to add to and update this compilation, so bookmark this page and regularly check back.
Got a question or resource you want to share with us? Contact AVID.Australia@vu.edu.auÂ
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