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Our Professional Learning Events

AVID Events

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned this page contains images of a deceased person.

Summer Institute 2025:  Dates 3-5 December (further information coming)

Summer Institute 2024

Register for Summer Institute 2024 now

As AVID Australia’s biggest networking and professional learning event of the year, Summer Institute 2024 inspires educators from across Australia to enhance their teaching practice and support students to achieve their potential.

Our 2024 Summer Institute celebrates our first year as the first international subsidiary of AVID Center. We are delighted that AVID’s CEO, Dr Thuan Nguyen will join us in Australia to reinforce AVID’s commitment to growing Australian AVID schools and advancing our shared mission of preparing our students to be successful global citizens.  

Over three days, participants will learn and practise evidence-informed, high-engagement teaching strategies and best instructional practices, led by experienced Australian and US Staff Developers.

Educators will come away from Summer Institute with resources to cultivate and maintain a learning system that insists on rigour, breaks down barriers and advocates for students.

Educators will be empowered through collective efficacy to nurture and grow students’ post-secondary and career readiness skills by coaching them to leverage student agency, opportunity knowledge and rigorous academic preparedness.


Path Training

Path Training is an optional, two-day immersion model of professional learning that allows educators to accelerate and deepen the AVID implementation at their school. The training can be customised for individual schools or developed to meet the needs of a school cluster or region in any state. Path Training can cater for educators who are new to AVID and for those who are looking to increase their AVID knowledge and skills. We have held Path Trainings in WA, QLD and NSW.