[vc_empty_space height=”20px”][button icon=”fa-book” target=”_self” hover_type=”default” text=”Visit the 2019 Professional Learning Modules Guide” icon_color=”#000000″ link=”http://avidaustralia.edu.au/avid-professional-learning-modules-2019/” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#32ba8c” border_color=”#000000″ hover_border_color=”#ffffff”][vc_empty_space height=”20px”]
Observation and Coaching
All schools have the option of arranging an Observation and Coaching Day as one of their Professional Learning days. If this is your second year of implementation, it is a compulsory requirement to have an Observation and Coaching Day during the year. The Observation and Coaching Day allows you to benchmark your school’s AVID implementation against expected milestones and get feedback on your progress towards certification and beyond.
A coaching and observation day typically also includes a meeting with the site and leadership team. This is a further opportunity to discuss your progress as a team and to provide AVID Australia with feedback on your school’s Professional Learning and AVID support requirements.
- While visiting your school, we are also happy to meet with other schools or colleagues who are interested in joining the AVID program in your region. In return, any existing AVID schools that bring new schools to AVID will receive two free registrations to Summer Institute per new site.
- Schools are welcome to combine their Professional Learning days. If a group of schools are interested in combining Professional Learning days, please contact AVID Australia to discuss how the days will be structured and how the allocation of Professional Learning days for each site will be distributed.
- If your site is a multi-campus school with one site license, two Professional Learning days are allocated across all campuses. Multi-campus sites can purchase additional Professional Learning days (please contact us for further information).
Submitting your form
Section 1
Please advise us when you would like to receive your two days of professional learning by submitting the form below.
Our experience has found it is effective when both professional learning days are scheduled consecutively. This enables the school to prioritise the continuity and momentum for your professional learning across the school. However, when this is not possible or strategic, depending on our AVID Staff Developers’ availability, we can schedule the two days at different times through the year.
Please note: Dates will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, so please submit the form at your earliest convenience to secure your preferred dates.
Section 2
If you already know which Professional Learning Modules you would like to request, please fill in Section 2. However, this section is not mandatory.