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AVID ElevateXP

Four half-day sessions

About ElevateXP

AVID Australia ElevateXP is an online professional learning experience, open to all educators across Australia, providing new strategies, tools, resources and support that amplify best practices.

ElevateXP provides participants with eight hours of synchronous eLearning and four hours of semi-synchronous discussion forums, activities and online resources, with access to the eLearning environment and extensive ElevateXP materials for 12 months following the event.

All strategies, activities and tools introduced in ElevateXP Communities of Practice can be leveraged in on-site and virtual learning environments.

Dates and Times

Four half-day sessions

Participants must attend all the synchronous and semi-synchronous sessions across the four days to satisfy the requirements of ElevateXP.

Communities of Practice

Participate in a specialised ElevateXP Communities of Practice (CoP) that is designed to meet the diverse needs of educators’ learning styles and those of their students.

All Communities of Practice focus on applying high engagement teaching and learning strategies. Target audiences for different Communities of Practice include new or experienced AVID educators, primary or secondary teachers, tertiary educators, school leaders, teachers of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect and participants from non-AVID schools.

Educators will come away from ElevateXP with resources to cultivate and maintain a learning system that insists on rigour, breaks down barriers and advocates for students.

Educators will also be empowered to nurture and grow students’ tertiary and career readiness skills by coaching them to leverage student agency, opportunity knowledge and rigorous academic preparedness.

ElevateXP Communities of Practice

AVID Primary Implementation

Registration is open to participants employed at a licensed AVID school.

This CoP is recommended for primary teachers new to AVID implementation.

Course Description

The AVID Primary Implementation Community of Practice is designed for educators to explore strategies and resources focused on diverse learners.

This CoP supports new AVID Primary teachers in blending Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organisation and Reading (WICOR®) with digital strategies to prepare students with the skills needed to become independent learners and be tertiary and career ready.

Educators will gain an understanding of their role in an AVID Schoolwide system that provides differentiated instruction to build a culture of student success.

Performance Objectives

Upon completion of this learning experience, participants will:

  • foster a growth mindset and understand AVID ElevatelXP norms and community expectations in order to participate fully in the experience
  • organise the story of AVID ElevateXP learning through the use of an Interactive Notebook and develop an awareness of how this organisational tool and an AVID eBinder can be utilised by students and staff schoolwide
  • apply WICOR strategies schoolwide to provide quality differentiated instruction for emergent to independent learners in order to scaffold student success with rigorous content
  • provide differentiated instruction for all students in order to create an environment that promotes a culture of student agency, rigorous academic preparedness, and opportunity knowledge to build tertiary and career readiness.

Creating Engaging and Rigorous Classrooms

This CoP is recommended for primary and secondary teachers.

Course Description

The Creating Engaging and Rigorous Classrooms Community of Practice is designed to empower all primary through tertiary educators to create an engaging and rigorous community of learners by preparing educators, support staff and site leaders to scaffold student success with rigorous content.

Educators will engage in AVID Digital Learning: The 4 A’s® (Adopt, Adapt, Accelerate, Advocate), to meaningfully integrate digital strategies and WICOR® instructional practices to differentiate instruction and increase student agency.

Participants will explore strategies to build connected communities through social and emotional learning capacity activities to foster safe and equitable learning spaces.

Performance Objectives

Upon completion of this learning experience, participants will:

  • foster an academic mindset to create supportive and equitable learning spaces through student engagement and relational capacity strategies
  • design and implement learning opportunities to promote student agency in blended learning environments
  • empower learners through the use of student-centred instructional practices for differentiated learning spaces
  • model and blend WICOR with digital strategies to provide students with quality instruction and learning opportunities in a 21st century environment.
NESA Accreditation
Completing ElevateXP – Creating Engaging and Rigorous Classrooms will contribute 12 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Student Success

Registration is open to participants employed at both AVID and non-AVID schools.

This CoP is designed for teachers of students in Years 6-12 and school leaders. 

Course Description

Participants in the Student Success Community of Practice will experience Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organisation, and Reading (WICOR®) instructional strategies through a hands-on approach to ensure students’ engagement, social and emotional learning, access to rigour, and tertiary and career readiness.

Participants will examine and experience tools to connect with a diverse population of learners. All strategies, digital activities, and digital tools experienced can be leveraged in face-to-face or virtual learning environments.

Performance Objectives

Upon completion of this learning experience, participants will:

  • use their personal definition of success and knowledge of AVID to support social and emotional well-being and the attainment of student success
  • build the skills of Writing and Inquiry to accelerate content area learning and student success
  • build the skills of Collaboration, Organisation, and Reading to accelerate content area learning and student success
  • integrate multiple elements of WICOR into lessons to build individual WICOR skills and also to increase student engagement, access to rigour, and student agency.
NESA Accreditation
Completing ElevateXP – Student Success will contribute 12 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Ticket Pricing

Standard ElevateXP Price

$800 ex GST per person


AVID Australia Member School Price

$720 ex GST per person


Victoria University Alumni Price

$680 ex GST per person

AVID Professional Learning Exchange

To get 2023 off to the best start possible, we are providing AVID schools the opportunity to exchange one day of their professional learning allocation for three places at ElevateXP. Please contact AVID Australia to discuss PL swap options prior to purchasing tickets if you would like to take advantage of this offer.