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A recent UCLA-led study concluded that AVID has an observable positive effect on students’ social networks, psycho-social outcomes, and health behaviors.

In the study conducted across five AVID schools in the United States, researchers identified improvements in student wellbeing, school engagement and self-efficacy and were at lower risk of substance use.

“We believe that surrounding students with a supportive community and providing them with the skills and resources they need to reach their goals within existing educational structures is how we make college and career readiness possible for every student. The findings of the UCLA study are not surprising because AVID educators invest so much in their students’ lives.”

Thuan Nguyen, AVID CEO


The study provides evidence that supports the implementation of AVID in schools and demonstrates ways in which AVID is closing achievement and opportunity gaps by preparing all students for post-secondary education, skills development and work-readiness.

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