AVID Resources

AVID Libraries
The AVID library contains general and subject specific curriculum books, along with essential implementation resources relevant for primary and secondary contexts. These books are great resources for schools and teachers that will continue to be used throughout a school’s AVID journey.
AVID Curriculum Texts
AVID schools can purchase hard copy AVID curriculum texts by emailing AVID Australia at AVID.Australia@vu.edu.au. Digital copies are not currently available. For a list of titles available, please see the AVID Library Guide linked below.
The Annual AVID Handbook
Every year, AVID publishes an AVID Handbook that is distributed to all schools. This is an essential resource that is annually updated and guides the implementation of AVID for the following school year.
Teachers in AVID schools receive access to MyAVID, an online repository of resources that are continually updated through your AVID implementation. These resources are relevant for students and teachers, and consist of:
- lesson plans,
- curriculum texts, and
- instructional videos
AVID Monthly
This teaching resource provides schools with Australian AVID lesson plans and accompanying articles each month, for nine months of the year. Schools receive 54 lesson plans per year. Lesson plans are designed for Years K-2, Years 3-6 and Years 7-10 and cater for students of all abilities allowing teachers to differentiate according to each student’s needs. These lesson plans are written by an experienced team to embed AVID strategies with rigour into the curriculum.
Online Resources
In the wake of a global pandemic our experienced educators compiled a range of publicly available material to support teachers, parents, and guardians across Australia, who facilitate student learning each and every day. We hope that this page will continue to inspire your teaching, whether online or face-to-face.