Summer Institute

Wednesday 4 December to Friday 6 December 2024
Victoria University City Tower, Melbourne
Registrations for Summer Institute are open.
Early Bird pricing closes 29 October.
Please contact AVID Australia if you have any questions regarding registration.
AVID Australia schools should select the CoP ticket labelled (AVID School).
Teachers who are not at an AVID licensed school should select CoP ticket labelled (not-AVID).
About Summer Institute
As AVID Australia’s biggest networking and professional learning event of the year, Summer Institute 2024 inspires educators from across Australia to enhance their teaching practice and support students to achieve their potential.
Our 2024 Summer Institute celebrates our first year as the first international subsidiary of AVID Center. We are delighted that AVID’s CEO, Dr Thuan Nguyen will join us in Australia to reinforce AVID’s commitment to growing Australian AVID schools and advancing our shared mission of preparing our students to be successful global citizens.
Over three days, participants will learn and practise evidence-informed, high-engagement teaching strategies and best instructional practices, led by experienced Australian and US Staff Developers.
Educators will come away from Summer Institute with resources to cultivate and maintain a learning system that insists on rigour, breaks down barriers and advocates for students.
Educators will be empowered through collective efficacy to nurture and grow students’ post-secondary and career readiness skills by coaching them to leverage student agency, opportunity knowledge and rigorous academic preparedness.
Communities of Practice
In the Communities of Practice participants will learn evidence-informed, high-engagement instructional strategies and learn how to implement an effective AVID Tertiary and Career Readiness Framework.
Each Community of Practice provides 12 hours of tailored professional learning, over three days, facilitated by experienced Australian and US Staff Developers. Below is the list of the Communities of Practice being offered in 2024. Click here for detailed information on the 2024 Communities of Practice.
- Transformational AVID School Leadership
Available to AVID member schools - AVID Emerge: Empowering and engaging students with minimal English
Available to AVID member schools - Creating Engaging and Rigorous Classrooms
Available to AVID member and non-member schools - Engaging Students to Build Writing Skills: Cultivating writing schoolwide
Available to AVID member and non-member schools - Engaging Students to Build Reading Skills: Transforming literacy through content area reading
Available to AVID member and non-member schools - Schoolwide Success
Available to AVID member and non-member schools - English
Available to AVID member schools and non-member schools - Science
Available to AVID member schools and non-member schools - Mathematics Discourse: Engaging students to build maths literacy
Available to AVID member schools and non-member schools - Secondary Implementation
Available to AVID member schools
For more information, click here or download a copy of the Communities of Practice Guide.
Your attendance at the workshops is expected (not optional) as your school has paid for you to attend all of the professional learning activities each day.
Please select two workshops (one on each of Days 1 and 2) or indicate you will participate in Site Team planning time for schools working on their 2025 implementation plans. These workshops follow your Community of Practice. Refer to Summer Institute Schedule.
Workshop bookings are open. Details of the workshops are available on the booking form.
Victoria University City Tower, Melbourne
Summer Institute will be held at Victoria University City Tower in the heart of Melbourne.
This state-of-the-art facility offers amazing learning and collaboration spaces that will be used throughout the event.
$1195 plus GST per participant – Early Bird (Early Bird closes on October 29, 2024.)
$1295 plus GST per participant
Discounted cost for AVID Member schools.
Please note: AVID Emerge has a higher registration cost as it includes a year-long subscription to a Digital Toolkit